Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOSbeta
Added an option to not enforce the legality of a force (per the author of the game: "points and limitations are a guide for writing scenarios, not strict)". So go on and tell a story about your weird force (just make sure your opponents agree to it).
Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOSbeta
In the forces screen, it is now possible to create and share a pdf file for a force. This is a very first cut, with bare bones formatting and a limit to a single page (so larger lists will get truncated).
Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOSbeta
New/updates Features:
can now show creatures without rules (option in the Settings screen) - feel free to make rules for them and feed them back to Mike (and ask him to sculpt the relevant miniatures!)
Bug fixes:
the known issue with version 1.33 has been resolved
Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOSbeta
New/updates Features:
updated for iOS 14.
Known issues:
selecting a creature in the forces or scenarios screen erroneously shows a place holder creature. Workaround: dismiss the placeholder window and select another creature in the list.
Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOSbeta
New/updates Features:
Bug fixes:
The Casanii Core and Ferals are no longer identified as friendly (impacts 'activates/activated by' in the Creatures view, and filtering when creating forces)
Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOSbeta
New/updates Features:
Added 'solo' toggle in the abilities and creatures screens to show/hide the solo rules
There is a 'Throw Stones' button for the solo creatures that picks the blue/green/red stones from a virtual bag and converts the results to erac and oran stones
Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOSbeta
The fourth beta aims to address issues with smaller displays (especially the iPhone SE).
The fifth beta changes the way the app is distributed - the pictures are now loaded separately, which means the naked app is now small enough for the AppStore. In theory there should be no difference to the overall user experience…
Beta 5 also allows expanding/collapsing ...
Written by: Frédéric Fiquet | Posted on: | Category: iOS App | iOsbeta
This version has:
a few creature fixes
an ‘activates’/‘is activated by’ feature for the creatures (noting that some activation rules can only be calculated if the creatures are inside an actual force - this refinement will come later)