Welcome back to Anyaral!

These are strange times we are living through and a lot of us are stuck at home with plenty of time on our hands to paint models and play games, but sadly no opportunity to get out of the house to play them! Thus, now seems a good idea to share an early version of some single-player rules I’ve been working on for Twilight. They use the same basic rules, but include some simple automation rules for the opposing force. I’ve only generated stats for the Kedashi swarms so far, but it would be easy to expand these for individual collections – just let me know if you have any specific requests!

These are very much in the playtest stage of any rules (I expect there will be odd discrepancies and things that don’t come across clearly) and I wouldn’t normally share something quite so rough, but I would love any feedback you might have, particularly if you decide to try them out!

I also have ideas for how to build scenarios (cards that are played across the table that determine objectives, Enemies deploying etc. and for specific forces)… but I’ll see how these are received first!

Stay healthy!

Additional components

12 Wild combat stones (3 green, 2 red, 1 blue and 6 white) in a bag.


The player’s force gets 4 Initiative counters. The wild forces will get two counters per type used. There are the usual two combat counters. These are all placed in a bag and drawn as normal.

The Wild forces do not use the standard combat stones. Instead, they use special Wild combat stones. These are 12 unmarked stones in white and three other different colours (green, red, blue). Individual wild units will treat the various colours differently, but white stones are generally ″failures″.

Wild force stats

Name (Type):


This will be a specific colour of Initiative Counter and either one or two. This determines when the unit is activated – either on the first or second stone of that colour which is drawn.


If multiple units activate at the same point, then they are activated in Initiative order (with the lowest units first). During Combat phases models will attack in Initiative order. The player will attack with all their models at one Initiative time.


Same as for normal units. Note that some Wild models have higher stats instead of combat abilities.


Same as for normal units. Note that some Wild models have higher stats instead of combat abilities.


Same as for normal units. Note that some Wild models have higher stats instead of combat abilities.


Same as for normal units. Note that some Wild models have higher stats instead of combat abilities.

Activation behaviour:

Units will behave in specified ways.

Combat behaviour:

This will primarily show which colour stones are Attack and which are Defence, but may also detail other special abilities.

Activation behaviours

Most models have several possible behaviours. They will do the first one from the list that they are able to complete:


If adjacent to a Bomb Carrier, Charge (2) with Red/Green/Blue: Attack.

Charge (X):

Move to engage the nearest player model and fight a combat, drawing X additional stones.


Move 1” away from the engaging model(s) (only if Engaged).


Move to engage the nearest unengaged player model.

Follow (X):

Aim to move to be X” away from the nearest player model.

Gang up:

Move to engage the nearest player model.

Gather (X):

Move towards the nearest model of type “X”.


Don’t do anything (only if Engaged).

Ranged (X, Y cs):

Move to be X” away from the nearest unengaged player model and make a Y stone Ranged Attack.

Activation Phase

Draw one counter at a time. When the first Wild counter of a specific colour is drawn then activate all units with that Activation stat in Initiative order. The player may choose exactly how to move the Wild models, as long as they follow the behaviour instructions. Some models will only activate when the second Wild counter of the colour is drawn.

Combat Phase

Models will attack in Initiative order, with all models of a specific Initiative attacking at the same time (the player chooses exactly which models to activate when).

The player is treated as having an Initiative of 3 (this could vary for different races). If the Wild stone was drawn last then they will go first in the event of a tie. Otherwise the player will go first.

Wild models with a support stat of greater than 0 will always support if they haven’t attacked already.

Individual combats

Once you have worked out which Wild and player models are Engaged the player chooses what stones to cast for their models and casts them as usual. They then draw Wild Combat Stones from the bag for the wild models. They count as attack/defence depending on colour and the specific unit. The player can then use combat abilities as usual. If they would normally turn over an opposing player's stone, then return it to the bag instead. Wild cards will generally have simpler abilities, so all combat abilities for the Wild models are carried out immediately rather than alternating between players.

© Copyright Frédéric Fiquet 2019-2025