From Danakan

I am going home! My prolonged travelling exile is nearly at an end. I just need to survive this dreadful sailing and I will be home. I cannot express the sense of relief I am going through, though this is tempered somewhat by my forthcoming travels over the sea. After my memorable journey to Delgon I was left with much to ponder as we crossed back over the Setir Mountains. We passed south to Galin then west along the trading routes to the harbours of Tonueil. It took much bargaining before we could convince an Engu captain to take us so far south and much gold before he would agree to transport Obal and his bodyguards; honestly I do not know what these fubarnii hold against the Delgon! The fubarnii of Clan Engu are huge, though they are nowhere near as impressive in stature as the Enarii. They are all fur clad and ill tempered and on more than one occasion a great lummox would almost walk straight through me as we passed through the cold and windy clifftop streets of Tonueil. Before leaving Delgon I convinced the honourable Obal to accompany me to Teral. We shall present a proposal to the Lord of my Clan for I now see that the Empire has lost its way, well perhaps not lost its way but rather forgets clans like the Teralin or the Engu who are so far from its beating heart. I see no reason why we cannot maintain a friendship with the Delgon; maybe in time we can provide an example of peaceful coexistence that can inspire others and these skirmishes between our peoples can be a thing of the past. I know that some may be wary of this but I rather think that a small party of Delgon explorers would bring more benefits than problems and the Emperor pays little heed to activities so far from his precious throne. On a personal note , I have a great desire to help Eldeyn fulfil his wish to see my homeland. To think that I’ve spent all my life in a port and until now I have avoided ever setting hoof on a boat. This time tomorrow I shall be trusting my life to these Engu barbarians, I have asked my good friend Obal to ensure that my papers are given to a passing trader and I hope that they will reach you even if I do not. I hope that you will see each other soon, such that I might tell you more stories over a bowl of granthi. Your brother,

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral