From Danakan

I shall begin my series of observations with the fubarnii of my own clan, the Teralin. This work will serve to provide a suitable guide to compare the other clans of the empire against, I hope that not all will be found wanting or I shall be in for a poor time these coming months. We of the Teralin are the largest of the clans in the Argoran Territories, dwelling amongst the hills and mountains of this region. Warmed by the sun yet kept cool by the coastal winds we dwell in a most pleasant environ. From my recent observations amongst the markets of Teral, I notice that we are of a relatively tall and slender build, much like the Casanii of the south, yet none outside of our clan would seem to have the darker patches of skin common amongst our number. Dwelling in such a pleasant land we wear fairly practical clothing, even amongst the poorer fishermen. While those with a low station wear simple garments, fubarnii of a higher station, like myself, wear similar clothes but of a much finer cut. We are not as ostentatious as I hear some clans are but we do allow ourselves a little extravagance when it comes to our headwear. The plebeians amongst the clan may only wear a piece of cloth upon their brow; tied to mimic the fine crested caps of the wealthy. Indeed one can tell instantly of a Teralin’s wealth, status and position by reading the designs, cut and details of their headdress.

Samples of Teralin headgear
Samples of Teralin headgear

Just as we are blessed with the agreeable nature of our weather so to are we blessed when it comes to our former slave-masters. The devanu have never dwelt in the region in large numbers, perhaps this is due to the close proximity of the Argoran Wastes, which I am told they find a most comfortable milieu. Some have suggested that the cooling winds sends a chill down their ridges that blows them scuttling to the hills! The freedom brought by the rarity of devanu attacks has allowed us to cultivate a practical mind focused fully on the act of living, without having to distract ourselves with concerns of an early demise.

A Teralin steamboat
A Teralin steamboat

The only real threat we face on any ″regular″ basis is that from rogue jenta who have been cast out from their pack. I have been told that such beings are often lean from hunger, yet often skilled in an uncommon devanu trait, that of using their minds! Though I find it hard to comprehend, I have been… reliably informed some wield simple tools and even throwing weapons! Such fancies of the travelling mind must be taken with a certain scepticism. If I am lucky I shall never have to find out for myself.

The fubarnii of the clan follow two distinctions, those of breeding dwell in the cities while the others dwell along the coasts. While an individual’s station is evident by the grandness of their headdress, a family’s wealth can be measured by their distance from the sea. The family of the new clan lord, for example, dwells amongst Teral’s eastern towers, while those of the poorest fubarnii live in the fishing villages north and south of the city, along the coast. It is the lot of the common Teralin to head out onto the waves to earn their living amongst the foul stench of their nets. My own family has dwelt in this land beyond memory and I can humbly say, has never had to cast even a single net!

The sale and trade of fish is the main source of wealth for our people. Each village has their own techniques for treating the fish and I am told that they travel well in the long journey to the Empire’s markets. There are many trades that support the fishers; my own family’s wealth comes from the farming of garkrids, which produce an excellent resin used in the sealing of boats.

Much of the architecture found in the Teralin domains is of a similar time-tested style with short white-walled round buildings mounted with pointed, dark tiled roofs . One might be forgiven for believing that the thrusting roofs have been styled after the dramatic peaks of the mountains in the east.

A couple of Teralin houses
A couple of Teralin houses

Such buildings are often erected in clusters with some tunnels and caverns beneath though settlements closer to the coast have much of their living area above ground to prevent flooding. Even the grand city of Teral is constructed on similar lines, though on a larger scale. My home and capital of the clan, the city is a majestic white jewel surrounded by the lush greenery of the delta. To the east is the spectacular view of the Argoran Mountains while to the south and north lays the coasts of our great continent. Across to the west rolls a great endless ocean. It is with great regret that I should leave my home and I cannot but hope that her image shall burn brightly in my mind as I venture beyond her sight.

Source: The Twilight Traveller Issue 1