When Obal met Danakan, she introduced herself as a NuraKira, a low-ranking member of the priesthood who are often given responsibility for commanding troops on the front line. She was accompanied by a pair of heavily armoured KalDromar and a handful of KalDreman, but the rest of her expedition had been slaughtered by devanu. Obal does hold the rank of NuraKira, but her close ties to NuraSen Gohral provide her with more influence and responsibility than her rank would indicate. She has been tasked by her master to travel the Empire and deliver the messages of the Enarii council, but the loss of her expedition and her fortuitous meeting with Danakan has led her to reevaluate her plans.

NuraKira Obal
NuraKira Obal

NuraTia Obal:

Obal first formed a friendship with Danakan during their travels together over seven years ago. He made good use of that friendship to convince Danakan to allow Eldeyn and a small group of Delgon diplomats to reside within Teral, although Danakan was somewhat surprised at the size of force that arrived.

During recent years Obal has grown in influence. He still carries the lowly administrator title of NuraTia as he has carefully avoided promotion in order to maintain the autonomy and subtle influence he hungers for.

Sources: Chronicles of Anyaral, The Twilight Traveller Issue 11