NuraSen Gohral

Sen Gohral is a great tactician. He has been tasked with overseeing many of the Retribution Attacks - and ensuring their success.

NuraSen Gohral has risen to prominence within Delgon, renowned for his extensive studies and his exhaustive theoretical treatise on warfare. With Roban and NuraGan Jonnar as his patrons he has overseen the training and armament of countless young Delgon and he now has had the honour of seeing his plans come to fruition during the Retribution. Gohral’s loyalty to the Enarii is beyond reproach, but even he has had cause to question some of Roban’s actions, his carefully laid plans subject to the whims of the unstable Enarii. Gohral has had to watch the precious KalMalog dragged off onto yet another hunt, or the powerful form of Roban pulling troops away from critical points of the battlefield to pursue an objective known only to the God.

NuraSen Gohral
NuraSen Gohral

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral