1st Day of Gamor

From Danakan

Would you believe we have now been travelling for almost half a year. It seems so long since I was at home in Teral. We are now heading further north along half hidden tracks, deep through the mountains led by a band of fur clad guides and the honourable Obal. Muri seems to distrust Obal but I must admit to finding her to be quite charming, in spite of our different backgrounds and her lowly upbringing. Our Dhogu guides were found by Obal when we stopped in the town of Dolran. I gather that this town was only recently occupied by the Delgon, and the town’s occupants did seem rather jumpy. The Dhogu were quite at home though, having a great party in the local drinking hall, singing songs in their coarse language until late into the morning. Muri mentioned that there was some altercation later on, but I was safely tucked up in bed by that stage.Once we pass north into Delgon, the honourable Obal assures me that I will get the chance to meet with one of her great Enarii! What an honour! But, as we get further from home all lands only serve to remind me of what we have left behind; we were foreigners in the Empire so what does that make us here? Oh I do so dream of gazing upon the lush green valleys and the blue ocean of my home.

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral