Empire Names

Names vary greatly across the empire, and a fubarnii’s name should tell you a lot about where he comes from. As an example, the fubarnii around Casan and Tehral tend to have longer names, such as Danakan or Elakiim. Herders of the central empire tend towards simpler names, such as Dramar or Beru. The city dwellers of the central empire would traditionally have similar names, but there is a tendency towards more exotic sounding names as well.


Eladin Terarl Arudor Etalu Plutom


Beru Brenar Elodin Berad Jarnet Galin Jeru Dramir Dramar Gren Gart Elim

Source: Twilight Ramblings 14 - Naming Conventions (http://forum.worldoftwilight.com/index.php?topic=1349.0)