A History of The Delgon

To the north of the Fubarnii Empire lies the vast expanse of the Setir Mountains that sweep across the continent of Anyaral. Secluded within these frozen mountains are the territories of the secretive Delgon.

While the fubarnii of what has now become the Empire slaved under the rule of the devanu, the Delgon were carving themselves a home within this inhospitable land. The devanu could not survive the harsh winters, so the Delgon were left undisturbed and built many great cities to shelter from the cold.

The Delgon claim that when the first clan of fubarnii finally rose up against their masters, it was they who had provided the tools and the guidance, but as the Empire was formed the Delgon went through a time of great tragedy. As the devanu were driven from the warmth of their hunting grounds, packs of desperate hunters fled into the mountains. It was a warm summer, and the Delgon were ill prepared for such an attack. The devanu tore through their towns and villages, slaughtering thousands. Most of the devanu died when the cold winter finally arrived, but some tribes dug in and it took the Delgon years to finally clear the threat.

The leaders of the Delgon sent emissaries to the newly proclaimed Emperor to ask for support. The emissaries returned empty handed, with the Emperor declaring that he would only help if the Delgon swore fealty and joined the new Empire. The four High Lords of the Delgon dismissed this offer refusing to give up their lands to the fledgling Empire. Three of the four High Lords went in person to Gar Loren to petition the Emperor, but they never returned. It is not known what happened to them, but the Delgon have always blamed the Empire for their deaths.

At that time the priests stepped up, decrying the leadership of the former lords and insisting that something be done. The remaining High Lord followed their guidance and declared that the borders to the South would be closed. The priests placed two of their own as High Lords of the Delgon, and took direct control of the protection of the Delgon territories. Guard towers were built on the few passes that lead safely into Delgon from the south, and all travellers were turned back.

Many generations passed, with the priests guiding the Delgon and protecting them from all who would threaten them. During that time a number of the Emperors tried to encourage the Delgon to join the Empire, either through force or diplomacy, but in all cases their forces were turned back or lost.

During the reign of Emperor Felian, visitors arrived within the Delgon lands from beyond the mountains. They were weak from their travels but their leader was brought to the priests, who announced that the Enarii had returned from their home on Enar and chosen the Delgon. A select few of the priesthood were given the honour of serving the Enarii directly and tasked with learning their language. The leader of the Enarii was revealed to be Garabon, one of the greatest fubarnii who ever lived in the ancient days and who had ascended to Enar many centuries before. In his first speech to the devout, it was Garabon who decreed that the Delgon had waited patiently for long enough, and that the Enarii had seen their devotion and chosen them as their own. All the fubarnii of Anyaral should worship their gods, and it was the duty of the Delgon to see this happen.

Priests were sent out to all corners of the Empire, proclaiming the glory of the Enarii, and letting the leaders know that a new Empire would be formed with the Enarii taking their rightful place at the head. Arudor, the Emperor, did not accept this news in the manner the Delgon had hoped, leaving the priests hanging above the gates of Gar Loren as a message to all who would threaten the Empire.

When news of this reached the Enarii they were furious that any should show such insolence. All should bow to their gods, and if they would not bow by choice then they should be made to bow.

Two further winters passed and little was heard from the north, except for news that black clad emissaries had been seen across the Empire, delivering uncompromising messages and ultimatums. Over that time Arudor was becoming increasingly obsessed with the Delgon. He sent many spies across the mountains, but the mountains are harsh and the Delgon are watchful.

Very few spies returned, and those that did carried little useful information. Arudor also started to pull back his knights to the Central Empire, fearful that an attack was forthcoming.

As a direct result of this action, the towns around the outer Empire have started to suffer from increased devanu attacks. The Emperor has ignored the rumours of a growing threat around the Argoran Wastes, instead obsessing over the movements of the priests and what is happening beyond the northern borders of his Empire.

In the depths of the third winter the Delgon finally initiated their Retribution, selecting the Gerova clan for their initial onslaught. The small town of Arisel was the first to suffer. When knights were sent to investigate, the town was found with all the buildings destroyed and the tunnels collapsed. Large funeral pyres were discovered, with signs posted listing their crimes against the Enarii.

Further attacks followed during the cold weeks of winter, with five more towns falling. All knights are bound by an oath to never shed fubarnii blood, and those knights posted in the region felt they had no choice but to stand back and watch the massacres. It was Danomar who first broke his oath, leading his Knights of Relan in defence of the town of Ardel. The fight was brutal and close, but with Danomar’s help the attack was repelled. For a while the Northern clans were hopeful, but Jamor came in person to lead his forces against Ardel, ensuring that the walls of the town would fall. This defeat was a crushing blow to the Gerova clan and news has now reached the Emperor that its council has elected to turn its back on the Empire and join the Delgon rather than face more Retribution attacks.

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral