A city in Anyaral, the first to fall against the Delgon, and now utterly destroyed.

As NuraGan Jonnar gazed over the sacred texts sprawled in front of him he contemplated his upcoming sermon - the most important in Delgon history since the coming of the Gods. The Great Retribution was to begin! Lost in his own thoughts, Jonnar did not hear his trusted acolyte NuraKira Rousin enter the room. ″Master as your most humble servant I regret the intrusion on this most important eve, however I have come to inform you that all preparations are now complete and we await the final Proclamation.″ Jonnar turned to face Rousin and found him in his usual deferential pose, bowed with only his jaw visible under his thick black cloak. ″Very good Rousin, is there anything else?″ Jonnar smiled wryly. He knew what question Rousin wanted to ask and it was a test of his acolyte’s determination and ambition as to whether it was uttered. After a few moments pause Rousin continued. ″Master, I mean not to offend or question our god’s actions, but there is rumour that Roban will not be present at the Proclamation and…″ Jonnar did not want the acolyte to suffer anymore, nor gain confidence in speaking out and cut him short. It was important that a strong message was conveyed to the other priests and acolytes and through them to the troops. Roban or not, the Great Retribution was to begin. ″No, Roban will not be present at the Proclamation as he has yet to return from his current journey with the KalMalog. However, having the great Roban at the Proclamation is unnecessary.″ Jonnar paused and waited until Rousin raised his head and looked into his eyes - it was crucial this message was purveyed to the others in the correct manner. ″Rousin, we are the mighty Delgon, chosen by our gods to purify this world. Knowing this is enough to give all Delgon the strongest and bravest hearts as we begin our task.″ Jonnar was satisfied that the message had been conveyed and purposefully relaxed and moved towards the window. ″Now Rousin I wish to see Sen Gohral and Chief Engineer Plutom.″ Rousin bowed and left the room. Jonnar viewed the scene outside his window. The snow was falling heavily and the bitter winds chased around the city. Jonnar did not know how to feel about Roban’s absence. The god’s will was his own but why was he not present for the culmination of his actions? And to have taken the KalMalog! These mechanicals were a huge resource yes, but their capability in battle was unsurpassable. But his role was not to question the god’s actions and decisions. All had a purpose and it showed the confidence Roban had in the Delgon for not being present. Jonnar heard the clanking metal shoes of Plutom entering the room and composing himself turned to face the Chief Engineer and beside him Gohral who would head up the attack. Gohral spoke first. ″My Lord, our troops are ready for battle and I have personally inspected all sections.″ ″Very good Gohral. The time of the Proclamation comes soon and the Delgon will begin the Great Retribution. What news of the village of Arisel?″ ″Our scouts confirm they suspect nothing. The local militia are weak and disorganised and the closest knight garrison is at low strength.″ ″Good, good.″ Jonnar turned to Plutom. ″And Chief Engineer, have the final tests on your garderaks been a success?″ “Yes Master. The town shall crumble as we rain destruction upon them from the nearby hills. None shall doubt the might of Delgon.” Jonnar smiled and rose up on his hooves. Now was the time for the Retribution to begin.

Source: Twilight Chapter 2 - of Gods and Demons