
A coracle is a small one-fubarnii vessel.

Coracles are powered by a single, broad-bladed paddle. The paddler faces the direction of travel and uses a sculling action to propel the boat forward. The paddle is dipped into the water in front of the coracle and then pulled back, describing a figure-of-eight pattern. This creates a smooth, continuous motion that helps to keep the coracle on course.

The sculling action is a very efficient way to propel a coracle, as it allows the paddler to use their full body weight to generate power. This makes it possible for a single fubarnii to paddle a coracle quite quickly, even in shallow water.

In addition to the paddle, coracles can also be propelled by a pole. The pole is used to push the coracle along the bottom of the river or lake. This is a slower method of propulsion than the paddle, but it is also quieter, which can be an advantage when fishing.

Coracles are not very maneuverable boats, but they are relatively stable. This makes them ideal for fishing in shallow water, where there is a risk of the boat tipping over. Coracles are also very lightweight, which makes them easy to carry and transport.

Overall, coracles are a simple, but effective way to travel on shallow water. They are easy to build and maintain, and they are very maneuverable. This makes them a popular choice for fishing, hunting, and transportation in many parts of Anyaral.

Sources: The Twilight Traveller - Rivers of Anyaral,