Noble Guard

The Noble Guard are some of the best trained warriors in Anyaral, hand selected from local militias and subject to harsh training within various private academies. By the time a Noble Guard dons the ostentatious armour and uniform, they have had more money spent on them than most common fubarnii see during their lives. Having been trained to such a level, the Noble Guard then settle down to a life of monotony, standing guard over the nobility they are pledged to protect but rarely seeing much in the way of combat. No wealthy Noble would consider leaving home without at least one Standard Bearer to show off his house livery and the more ostentatious will travel around Gar Loren with a full procession of gaudy banners and loud musicians to ensure that everybody is aware of their wealth!

Wealthy nobles often hire elite bodyguards to protect them, both in the cities and if they travel. It wouldn’t be good form for those bodyguards to be dressed and armed in anything less than the best that money can buy!

While the Nobleguard are admittedly fond of their ornate banners, they are not the only ones to employ them. They are also seen used by militias and even the Delgon to organise their troops, although the Delgon standards tend to be much more functional and less fancy!

A Noble Guard. Note the ornate polearm and the headgear (slightly less ostentatious than a noble's)
A Noble Guard. Note the ornate polearm and the headgear (slightly less ostentatious than a noble's)

Sources: The Twilight Traveller Issue 5, Chronicles of Anyaral