The howlers spend most of their lives up in the canopies, gathering fruit and watching out for dangerous creatures that might wander too close to the trebarnii villages, or outsiders who would risk trespassing in the forests. The howlers have a strong affinity for the aggressive seldoath, who travel with the howler troupes and seem to tolerate the small noisy creatures. When the howlers descend from the canopy they have been known to find a herd of abrok, aggravating the poor, dangerous creatures and driving them towards any unwelcome interlopers, clinging to their backs, or leaping from one beast to the next until they reach their target and leave the predators to do their work.

 – Gil Masharl

The howlers spend a large portion of their lives high in the branches of the trees, feeding on their juicy buds, but when called upon they will descend to support the Kedashi queens. In these times they have shown a great affinity for guiding the abrok into battle, swooping down onto the unsuspecting herds causing them to stampede in terror with their loud booming calls. As the abrok thunder out of the forest the howlers grab on for dear life, leaping between the terrified beasts and flinging sharp rocks as they pass their enemies.

A Trebarnii Howler
A Trebarnii Howler