Delgon Society

Delgon society is highly structured with individuals allocated a role from a very early stage.

The Military Castes:

There are many branches of the Delgon military and all soldiers are given the title of ″Kal″.
KalGarkii - Soldiers
 • KalDru - Deraks
 • KalGush - Gushraks
 • KalJoran - Shock troopers
 • KalMalog - Striders
 • KalDreman - Bodyguards
 • KalDromar - Bodyguards

The Priesthood:

Delgon priests are involved in every aspect of Delgon society, from construction projects to food distribution and even the military. Those priests that are chosen to join the Nura have the honour of leading the military forces.

The structure of the Delgon priesthood is extremely complex, with numerous different ranks and titles. Each of the Enarii is tended to by one NuraGan. NuraGan Largos sits on the Delgon council and is the personal attendant to Garabon and is widely regarded to be the most senior of priests.

 • NuraGan - High Priests
 • NuraSen - Priests
 • NuraKira - Senior acolyte
 • NuraLehn - Junior acolyte

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral