Dänomi’s Myth

Dänomi is the Enarii responsible for sleep, protection of the sleeping, dreams, visions and prophecy.

Whenever there was trouble among them, whenever a child was lost or when they wished to see the future clearly, the people would go to Dänomi, daughter of Garen. She had the power to see things that others could not, and could provide great wisdom in times of need.

When she was a young sempa, Dänomi took a walk in the forest with her companion, and strayed too far from the path. They became lost in the tangle of trees that seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions. They walked for many miles, and Dänomi soon became weak and exhausted. She sat beneath a tree and ate some of the berries that grew beneath it, hoping to regain her strength. At once she fell into a deep sleep, from which her friend could not wake her. Although scared, her loyal companion stayed beside her, brought her water to drink and watched over her throughout two nights and a day.

On the second day, Dänomi awoke. She was still weak, but her friend looked into her eyes and saw that wisdom had come to her while she had been sleeping. Dänomi spoke and said that she knew the way home, and her friend believed her at once. Helping her to her feet, they walked slowly back through the forest, and it was not long before they emerged from the trees and saw their home ahead of them.

From that day, Dänomi had the gift of visions, and people came from afar to bring their problems before her and hear her words.

 – Bethar