The Fate of Genera

With the honourable Danakan resting, I Muri, have decided to attempt to compile her notes concerning the fate of Genera. During the past weeks of travel my mistress has interviewed our guides and the locals who dwell within the walled settlements that border the wastes. I have also been tasked with searching for historic scrolls in the libraries of the towns within these desolate lands, for any hints or mention of this cursed place.

The following verse is from a tragic local poem, which tells of two lovers separated by the fall of Genera. The honourable Danakan recorded a number of variations of these lyrics and this version displays the most common wording…

”The night these two lovers chose was foul for a great curse came. Where they had hoped to steal away by day they found themselves divided. In the harsh light of the sun the sky did fall and the earth rose, as if the world itself could not their love allow. In the chaos and the blinding light did they rush to find the other. But, a great chasm split their world in two for all time and, like the city itself they were swallowed by the darkness of despair…”

During muttered conversations with loose-beaked locals the honourable Danakan noted the following legend of Genera. I would like to mention that on at least one occasion I have heard parents threatening their misbehaving young with the wrath of the Karazii (evil spirits of the wastes). Here is a shortened version of the legend for your perusal…

”In whispered tones we talk of the cursed city and its fate. Of the clan who turned their backs from the grace of the Enarii and of the wrath sent to destroy them… the Karazii. These ancient wasted spirits of those barren lands descended on that place and tore the walls down, block by block. They burst into the homes and the local fubarnii felt the life draining touch of those foul some creatures, weeping tears of blood as their city died around them. Now it is a cursed place, inhabited by evil spirits and brigands. Some even say the devanu dwell there, revelling in the destruction wrought on that city of unbelievers.”

The final excerpt that I shall show here is from a local library, discovered amongst a dusty collection of scrolls concerning the attempted delivery of goods by a trade convoy. Much of the scroll is degraded beyond usefulness but this small section was legible.

”…to the city? Used to a warm greeting our convoy was instead met by hushed silence broken only by the haunting winds whistling through the ruins of this once fair city. No sign of the populace remained, though much could have been hidden under the dust and sand born by the wind. Enarii preserve us! Our mounts were skittish and none was eager to stay overnight. I broke us down into small search parties, quickly hunting for survivors or any clue to what had occurred here. All that was found was an old kopa, crippled with age whose mind was gone. We gave him food and water then turned our back on that foul place, never to return. We had limited resources for we had hoped to restock before our return journey. After an age of travel we returned, husks of our former selves. The old kopa died en route but amongst his ravings and mutterings his last words haunted us all… the lances fell and we died…”

Note: I am now sure that the connection between the lack of the Emperor’s Knights in this region and the fall of Genera is connected. Perhaps the last words of a broken old fubarnii sparked some ancient grudge that burns still today.


As you can see there is much that has been lost over the years concerning the fate of the city and much that remains has been twisted by imagination. Each account tells a different tale, contradicting the others. Still, if one treads carefully through the myriad of tales, songs, legends and myths I am sure we can discover its fate. I would suggest that further study should be undertaken in this area lest other cities follow their fate.

 – Compiled by Apprentice Muri of the family Terak

Source: The Twilight Traveller Issue 3