The Enipel Tree

The Enipel Tree
The Enipel Tree

This somewhat atypical city is ruled over by the scions of clan Enipel and is situated around, underneath and across a colossal tree. The tree itself is ancient with deep roots that extend far beyond what fubarnii engineers have managed to dig. During the excavations under the tree it was found that its roots are home to a variety of fungi and medicinal herbs that are harvested for medicines and other unscrupulous ″consumptions″ and re-distributed across Anyaral. Transport around the city would be difficult if not for the engineers who built an overly complex system of pulleys and lifts that allow fubarnii to ascend the heights or depth of the tree, while on the ground clockwork tramps escort traders and the elite through the gateways into the palace.

The Enipel Tree
The Enipel Tree