The dompaku are some of the largest beasts to roam the plains of the Casanii Territories. Herds of dompaku can devastate Empire towns and villages on the edges of those lands, but the Casanii know how best to divert and guide their movements. The dompaku that are ridden by the ferals have often seen many generations of young ferals pass through their care, serving as a transport for the pack’s equipment and occasionally as a platform from which they can fight. The older Casanii will often look upon the ancient beasts the youngsters are riding and remember fondly their time caring for the same graceful giants.

The dompaku graze on the tallest of trees and rely on their strong hides to protect themselves from predators.

A dompaku
A dompaku
A dompaku grazing on a bren tree
A dompaku grazing on a bren tree

Source: The Twilight Traveller Issue 7