
Here we see a misunderstood lesser known creature from the lands of Anyaral. To the outside world, she appears to be a ferocious and violent beast with little comprehension to her surroundings… but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Her diet consists largely of nearby berries and leaf matter, with the occasional grub and insects for protein, many of whom have evolved to fight back… thus her dangerous appearance is actually predominantly a defence against such a threat, and to scare off would-be attackers. These creatures are also widely known by the culinary masters of the Empire’s court, to be the most succulent and tasty of meats from the entire continent. Chefs far and wide will pay a daring trader handsomely for a beast like this, and subsequently the price for a small steak from this prized beast has rocketed in recent years.

A Vorshkan
A Vorshkan

Source: Inktober 2020