6th Day of Del, 7th Katoam

From Danakan

Several weeks have passed since I last wrote. During these weeks it feels like we have wandered blindly through the Argoran Wastes. This seemingly endless region is stark and barren of any worthwhile life, with little water on offer except to those with the earthy knowledge to locate it. We have acquired a new guide, a hunter from Orel, who is one such individual. I do find it difficult to associate him with decent fubarnii being that he keeps a pair of vicious graku as pets! Clearly he is a queer sort. I was also most astonished to see a Lord of Orel riding atop a huge grakukan. There I had assumed those statues to be of mythical creatures. It was a most disturbing sight and I am glad that he is not accompanying us. I had heard of the dangers in the wastes but nothing prepared me for what was to come. We passed through a narrow valley when we were beset by a pack of devanu! The monstrous horde struck suddenly and without warning with a huge beast with a long whip-like tail and an enormous jaw killing several pack beasts before Kale’s righteous sling arm and a ferocious charge from the Knights of Orel slew the monstrous creature and sent the miscreants packing! It was some time later and only after many assurances from my protectors that I let them lead me to the still twitching bodies of our attackers, affording me with a better view. I’ll admit that my stomach rebelled at such sights but Muri fervently trotted from one specimen to the next making notes, sketching and even taking measurements! She is strange and her low breeding clearly shows. Once we had resumed our course Muri and the captain of the Orel knights took great pleasure informing me of the local attacks that are a common occurrence here. Apparently the hulking beasts that waylaid our group were merely jenta and their gangs have always been the cause for much concern in this lawless land. These ″outcasts″ often capture and bind beasts to their whims and Muri tells me that the large creature was a kelahn! I remember stories of them as a jenta, but I never expected to see one! I will admit, though not to my companions , that I find my heart warming slightly to these beastly knights now I have seen them in action. I am however sure that this weakness will pass once the memory of the last few days has passed. I can only hope that we manage to pass through this horrid landscape without further incidences for I do not believe my constitution can take much more!

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral