15th Day of Jelan

I have spent the last few days since I started this letter in the outer buildings of the royal palace. This monumental building grows out of the centre of the city, displaying an astonishing variety of engineering and architectural styles. The outer parts of the palace are given over to the machineries of bureaucracy. Rather than the royal welcome I had assumed would await me I have spent my days with petty bureaucrats, filling in forms such that I might meet more senior, but no less petty bureaucrats who provide me with yet more forms to fill in. During this process I have had the displeasure of meeting the so called ″Nobility″ of Gar Loren. These extravagantly clad individuals are always accompanied by lackeys and guards and seem to perpetually look down their noses at all those fubarnii who they deem inferior, while flaunting their opulent outfits and ridiculously oversized hats. I had wondered at the long tails they seem to have, but Muri informs me that these are just another fashion accessory, based on the tails of the devanu. Having met devanu in my travels I find this to be more than a little distasteful!

Samples of Nobles headgear
Samples of Nobles headgear

From Danakan

I tried to set aside my initial dislikes and mingle with these pompous fools, but was met with a less than friendly welcome. I bore the initial insults stoically, but after repeated disparaging comments about my homeland and mockery of my Terali accent I decided to leave. I get the distinct impression I heard them laughing as we walked away. I do hope we can see the Emperor soon so we can continue our travels as I am beginning to tire of the city.

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral