Dravu Raya

Dravu Raya’s mother left Tonueil under a dark cloud long before the city fell to the Delgon, and he has little care for his homeland. His mother struggled in the city in Gar Loren, far away from the song of the Droba, but since he was a young jenta he felt at home. He made good use of his strength, first amongst the rival gangs of urchins and later selling his services where required. Over the years he has formed an unlikely friendship with Ora Chey and the two are now rarely seen apart.

Dravu's agility irritates his partner Chey, who accuses him of being a show-off. A rumor has started circulating that Dravu is actually an enarii in disguise, with people pointing to his uncanny agility as proof that not all is as it appears to be with this enigmatic Engu.