Dohra Tahiin

Dohra Tahiin is a senior member of the Enguan Council. His entire family was killed during the fall of Tonueil. Forced to flee, he is currently living in exile in Gar Loren.

Dohra Tahiin spent many years as one of the most respected of all droba hunters. The tales of his exploits on the bitter seas are still shared around the fires on the cold nights of winter.

When he was called on to sit on the Engu council he grudgingly set down his axe and harpoon to serve his duty.

When Tonueil fell, it was Dohra who led the evacuation, carving his way through the invaders and calling on his old companion Cren Blaak to take the draals and youngsters to safety.

He would have stayed and defended Tonueil with his last breath as it burned, but a Dhogu arrow almost found his heart and he was dragged aboard one of the boats that the desperate Engu piled upon to escape the devastation. He woke screaming curses at his rescuers, determined to continue the fight but by then Tonueil was in flames and he once again accepted his fate to lead.

Dohra Tahiin
Dohra Tahiin

Source: The Twilight Traveller Issue 11