Samine il Moerasii

The Falconer:

To the South-East of the Empire are the great lakes, around which live the clans of Enipel, Galir and Moeras. Although far from the city of Gar Loren, the clans of Enipel and Moeras hold a great deal of power. Lanakar is the capital of Enipel, ruled by the great Lanak. The wealth of Moeras is drawn from the many trading families and Samine was born to a long and powerful line of trading nobles.

Samine’s elder siblings have taken over the family’s main trade routes, leaving her to run wild during her youth, shaking off her guardians to ride the great marsh plains accompanied only by her garo falcons. As she grew older, her parents decided that some time in the courts of the Emperor would smooth off some of the rough edges. She now spends most of her time in Gar Loren, but takes every opportunity to escape the city.

Samine il Moerasii
Samine il Moerasii

Source: The Twilight Traveller Issue 6