Captain Danomar

Early in his career the young knight Danomar proved himself in the south of the Empire, slaying the mighty Tar-Kisael, a devanu kopa that had caused terror across the lands of Larigal. Danomar was offered a promotion in spite of his age, but requested instead that he might join the Emperor’s own heavy cavalry. The gall of the request amused the Emperor and he chose to grant it. Danomar proved himself time and again and was chosen by the Emperor to lead the forces deployed on the Delgon border. He could not bear to standby during the attacks and was the first to break his oath, leading a band of knights against the Delgon in the defence of the town of Ardel.

Captain Danomar
Captain Danomar
A young Danomar, before he joined the Knights of Relan
A young Danomar, before he joined the Knights of Relan

Sources: Twilight Chapter 2 - of Gods and Demons, Chronicles of Anyaral