Kimut Hekaanit

Alternate Spelling: Kimut Hekaani

The warlord of Tak Sirahn’s tribe.

In the early days of the Delgon invasion, as the spring brought warmth to the Setir Mountains, Dehran accompanied his retinue to seek an audience with Kimut Hekaani, the warlord of Sirahn’s tribe. Before Hekaani would meet with Dehran, he went alone to seek the Rahkirii’s advice. It is said that the god grew impatient with the wait and was on the verge of leaving, but a storm encircled the camp, forcing him to stay. As the storm cleared, Kimut Hekaanit returned, accompanied by Tak Sirahn and an immense yartain whose barely bridled fury impressed even Dehran. Dehran returned to Peygarl with the caged yartain as a gift for Garabon, along with Hekaani’s promise of fealty and troops to accompany his journey into the south.

Source: The Compiled Twilight Traveller Issue 2