Arak Katain

We are the strongest and most powerful creatures on Bakahn. All should fear us. We once ruled over the weak fubarnii. We could once roam where we wanted. Kill what we wanted. But we are now a broken race. Our noble race is forced to hide and scavenge along the cracks of the Fubarnii Empire, or we cower and scrape a life in the wastelands. The weak fubarnii even hunt and kill us. This is not the way it should be. Those who believe this are not fit to lead us.

(Spoken by Arak Katain before killing his kopa, Dak-Arlin)

They have a word for us. They call us demons. I take pride in that. They choose to hunt us down and kill us like beasts. This just cuts out the weakest of us. The strongest still survive. These Gods are not immortal. I have seen the fear in their eyes and tasted their blood. They call us demons and they should tremble at the word.

Arak Katain stands as a leader amongst a leaderless people. Since the rise of the Empire the devanu have scavenged for survival in small packs. Those that have tried to redress the balance have fallen before the knights of the Empire. Arak has emerged from the Argoran wastes at a time when the Emperor has been distracted. His initial attacks were not met with the usual response and he has now gathered such a force that he can march across the Empire without fear. Arak is a mighty warrior, towering over most of his followers. He has also shown great cunning, gathering followers through trickery and deception as well as brute force. He now leads his forces north to the lands of the Delgon so that he might slay a God.

The developments to the North of the Empire have had a mixed impact on the devanu. The Enarii have launched a crusade against all the ″demons″ that stalk Anyaral. Great hunts have been organised, with the devanu fleeing before the might of the Delgon armies and dying beneath the iron hooves of the KalMalog. Roban the Hunter has lead many of these attacks and has killed countless devanu who underestimated the strength of the attackers. To the South of the Empire the devanu have found themselves with an unusual level of freedom to expand. Vast quantities of knights have been redeployed to the North and to Gar Loren itself at the direct command of the Emperor. A powerful devanu kopa named Arak Katain has seized this opportunity and carved himself a formidable tribe. He initially preyed on outlying herds, trade caravans and even small villages. The lack of response has allowed him to grow increasingly powerful. In recent months he has heard tell of the crusade of the Enarii and chosen to even the score. He has lead his tribes from their hunting grounds of the Argoran Wastes into the North, leaving devastation in his wake and gathering more devanu tribes around him as he travels.

Arak Katain
Arak Katain

Sources: Twilight Chapter 1 - from Slaves to Emperors, Twilight Chapter 2 - of Gods and Demons