NuraSen Plutom

NuraSen Plutom has risen to prominence within the Delgon priesthoods after he used a captive Empire engineer to create steam powered legs for the crippled Enarii, Malog. From that day forward, Plutom has had all the resources he could ask for. He oversees a small group of Engineers and somehow manages to direct them in a way that would be unheard of in the Empire. His group of engineers is made up of eccentric Southerners that have been lured to Delgon with extravagant promises. For the most part these promises have been delivered on and the Engineers enjoy well stocked laboratories, able assistants and most importantly they get very few interruptions as they tinker with ideas and machineries. Their black robed assistants show a great deal of enthusiasm for the work they are doing, making notes and introducing ideas from other Engineers that further fuel their creative processes. The engineers have little or no idea that their inventions are anything more than theoretical experiments.

NuraSen Plutom
NuraSen Plutom

Source: Chronicles of Anyaral