The flames licked up into the night sky, casting eerie shadows around the group of travellers. The soft snores of sleeping pack beasts and the crackle of burning wood was all that broke the silence around the campfire. Danakan shifted uneasily, the silence somehow uncomfortable. The sleeping form of Muri rolled over, muttering in her dreams. The starkly lit faces around the fire chuckled as the silent spell broke. A small rounded gourd was passed around to fill drinking dishes with its acrid smelling liquid, sending waves of warmth throughout those who sipped it. One by one the travellers turned in, their sleeping forms encircling the fire. Exposed to the elements and the chill of the wastes, they lay wrapped in thick blankets and furs. The stillness of the surrounding environment belied the potential danger from wandering devanu. A lone sentinel stood out, their back warmed by the slowly dying fire. Danakan sat watching this silent figure for a while, she noticed how at home they seemed, how apart of the land they dwelt… “Some might consider it rude to stare at another you know.” The Hunter’s words seem shouted in the silence, instantly snapping Danakan from her thoughts. She sat up muttering, “I err, I meant no offence.” Jawuu grinned at her discomfort. “I was… it struck me how at home you seemed to be, how still.” Again Jawuu seemed amused by this strange fubarnii of the city. Danakan stood and walked over to the Hunter. “The wastes are a dangerous place, one survives by emulating them,” the Hunter shared. Danakan looked quizzical. “For much of the time the wastes are quiet, still. Yet, when they do rouse themselves they are swift and deadly. Such is the way of this place. Why burn yourself out rushing and fretting when it is not needed? Better to conserve what you have for when you need it.” In silence they stared out over the landscape, sharing the moment. “Danakan. It will be light soon, you should rest.” Kale’s clipped tone broke their silent reverie. “Jawuu, I shall take over on watch.” The Captain’s brisk manner stirred his charge into action; she embraced the warmth of her blankets, thankful for the vigilance of her protector. He directed a curt nod at the Hunter who acknowledged the gesture before returning to his bedding next to the curled, dozing graku.

Source: The Twilight Traveller Issue 2